August. 01, 2024
Vital role of vitamin D3 in the human body
Enhancing natural immunity

Vitamin D3 serves as an indispensable helper for the human immune system, which has to fend off attacks from the outside world on a daily basis. It reduces the likelihood of developing acute respiratory infections (ARI), both viral and bacterial. Receptors for this compound are present in most cells of the immune system. After binding D3 to the receptors, the production of special proteins that perform the function of natural antibiotics is started.

An extensive study completed in 2017 revealed a direct relationship between the level of cholecalciferol in subjects and the incidence of ARI. In patients with low blood levels, supplementation with D3 reduced the risk of any infection by as much as 70%! To obtain such a result, it was enough to take the supplement with food, without additional intravenous administration.
Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is one of the most important organic compounds that must be entered daily. The strength of the immune system, bone strength, metabolic rate and the preservation of women’s health depend on it. The second, unofficial name of the vitamin is «sunny», because it is produced in the skin under the influence of the Sun. It can also be obtained from food — especially from fatty wild fish.

But optimal levels of D3 cannot be produced from sunbathing and proper nutrition. Modern humans spend too much time indoors, and fish from the store cannot boast of a high content of useful substances. Therefore, an additional intake of vitamin D3 can be a real salvation for those who urgently need it.
Support for women’s reproductive health

There is reliable scientific evidence that vitamin D3 directly affects the condition of the female reproductive system. If it’s produced a little, the likelihood of diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome increases.

The research paper, the results of which were published in 2017, notes the following: The severity of pain in women with endometriosis is inversely correlated with the level of cholecalciferol in the blood. Only 5.7% of the participants with severe pelvic pain had normal D3 levels.
To maximize the health benefits, it is important to know how to properly take vitamin D3 in capsules. The standard dosage is 1 capsule per day for a month, during or after meals. It is recommended to use the supplement in the morning, along with fatty foods, washed down with water. The effect of taking it becomes noticeable within 1−2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.
Intake of cholecalciferol is recommended in cases where a person needs:

  • Strengthen bones and teeth;
  • Strengthen muscle tone;
  • Boost immunity;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Support reproductive function;
  • Improve cognitive abilities;
  • Reduce stress levels.

If the substance is not produced enough, a person may face such manifestations as: osteoporosis; frequent inflammation; mood swings; excess adipose tissue; difficulties conceiving a child, etc. Therefore, it is important to take care of your body in time. Taking vitamin D3 2000 ME from HOME of Ester will help you stay healthy and active even with the most intense rhythm of life.
Dietary supplement. It is not a medicinal product. Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Indications for use of vitamin D3
Maintaining bone strength

First of all, the state of the bone system depends on cholecalciferol. If the level of the substance is too low, bone mineralization decreases. This increases the likelihood of fractures. According to the latest data from scientists, the critical content of vitamin D in the blood is less than 12 ng/ml (previously this figure was 20 ng/ ml). A concentration of 20 ng/ml is enough to maintain bone health in 97.5% of the population.

It is recommended that people aged 50 and older especially carefully monitor sufficient levels of D3 in the blood. At this age, the synthesis of the substance in the skin begins to decrease — and the risk of falls increases contrary. It is better to take the supplement daily in small doses than once a week or a month to drink a large dose.
Cholecalciferol is necessary for the normal course of almost all metabolic processes in the body. Their full description will take up entire volumes. But there is also something for which it is especially important.
Vitamin D3 2000 ME from HOME of Ester: instructions for use
The effect of the reception