August 25, 2024

The benefits and advantages of Peptide Collagen HOME of Ester

Improving skin tone

It is impossible to get elastic and toned skin if the body does not produce enough structural protein. But flabbiness and premature wrinkles can be defeated by taking a collagen-peptide drug. This was proved by the joint work of scientists from Korea and Japan, carried out in 2018. With the participation of volunteers, it was found that the isolated peptides prevent photoaging of the skin. Oral administration of 1000 mg of dietary supplements per day for 12 weeks significantly increased the level of hydration and turgor of the skin — even in people over 50 years old!
Collagen is a special protein which is responsible for the formation of connective tissue that binds the body into a single whole. Collagen fibers create the basis for the health and beauty of the whole body. They give strength to the skeleton, provide good extensibility of ligaments, make the skin taut and elastic.

Collagen levels can be increased in just 1−3 months by taking HOME of Ester Collagen with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. The biologically active supplement contains hydrolyzed beef collagen containing collagen peptides. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Treatment and prevention of obesity

At first glance, taking protein can do little to help with obesity. However, during an experiment conducted in 2017 on mice, it was found that the use of collagen peptides prevents the formation of adipose tissue. Obese mice on a high-calorie diet gained weight significantly more slowly as a result of using this supplement. Korean scientists believe that an anti-obesity drug will soon be developed, which will be based on a collagen-peptide mixture.
It has been observed that collagen powder acts much more effectively than capsules or tablets. It enters the bloodstream faster: absorption begins only half an hour after ingestion! In the case of capsules, you must first wait for the gelatin shell to dissolve. The tablets contain less protein, which makes you increase the dosage.
To get the effect of taking protein, it is important not only its quantity, but also its bioavailability (i.e. ease of absorption). This is due to the fact when taking dietary supplements, useful substances do not enter the blood directly, but first pass through the digestive system. The molecules of ordinary collagen are too large to be absorbed into the blood before they are destroyed by the action of digestive juices.

The problem with the assimilation of the substance is solved very easily. Scientists have long found out that peptides — protein molecules in crushed form — are absorbed in the intestine much faster. They are the ones who successfully cope with the following tasks:

  1. Easy assimilation by the body;
  2. Production of additional structural protein;
  3. Restoration of damaged connective tissue.

The peptide powder is able to dissolve even in cold water. It has no taste or smell of its own. We gave the HOME of Ester collagen the taste of lemon and lime — like a refreshing summer lemonade. The effect of taking collagen becomes noticeable after a few weeks.
HOME of Ester peptide collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid takes 1 time a day 30 minutes before meals or an hour after. One measuring spoon (5.6 g) of the powder is dissolved in 200 ml of water and thoroughly mixed. Instead of water, you can use juice, yogurt, juice and other drinks.

What is the difference between peptide collagen and regular collagen

Reducing joint pain and discomfort

Paying tribute to fashion and high heels, many women notice an unpleasant crunch and even knee pain during physical exertion. You can reduce the manifestations of these symptoms if you nourish the joints from the inside with peptide beef collagen. A study conducted at the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 2017 showed that the use of 5 g of the collagen per day for 12 weeks significantly reduces joint pain during physical activity. The experiment involved athletes suffering from knee pain during training.
Supplements with collagen peptides help to compensate for the lack of structural protein caused by dietary errors, physical inactivity and bad habits. Let’s talk in more detail about what benefits they can bring to the body.

Peptide Collagen: how to take it in powder form

The results of taking peptide collagen

Help in the fight against type 2 diabetes

In 2019, scientists from China conducted a clinical trial that confirmed that collagen supplements are extremely useful for type 2 diabetes. Diabetic mice receiving the drug with drinking water had a decrease in blood sugar and an increase in insulin levels. In addition, the researchers found that dietary supplements significantly reduce inflammatory reactions.