June. 26, 2024
HOME Of Ester cleanser is the bestseller in the world of effective care
Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a biopolymer that is continuously produced in the human body, it is a key factor in skin moisturizing. The substance has a unique ability to bind and retain water molecules. Therefore, the importance of "hyaluronic acid" for facial care can hardly be overestimated: it prevents dryness and peeling, smoothes wrinkles, photoaging protect.

A cleanser with hyaluronic acid will help to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. You can start using it at a young age to provide the skin with additional protection from adverse environmental factors.
Facial skin needs daily cleansing, ridding of dirt, sweat and sebaceous glands. You can not even dream of freshness and glow of the face if you neglect hygiene.

But cleanliness only is not enough: the skin must also remain calm and hydrated. The HOME of Ester cleanser will gently help to cope with this. Its innovative formula allows you to forget about various skin imperfections forever.

Collagen is a protein on the basis of which the connective tissue of the body is formed. It makes the skin firm, supple and elastic. If the substance is not produced enough, the skin begins to thin and sag. There is a so-called gravitational ptosis: the face seems to "slide" down, its contour becomes indistinct.

In a new study, scientists have studied in detail the local effect of collagen. The volunteers were required to regularly use tissue collagen masks. The results of the work showed:

  • Good tolerance on both healthy and damaged skin;
  • Pronounced hydration;
  • Preservation of natural microflora;
  • Reduction of redness caused by exposure to sunlight;
  • Lowering the pH level.

It is obvious that collagen, which is also part of the cleanser from HOME of Ester, makes the skin noticeably moisturized and elastic. Its use prevents the loss of natural collagen, which becomes noticeable after 25 years. At the same time, the risk of various side effects is reduced to zero even in the presence of damage.

Retinol is vitamin A, or rather, one of its forms. It is often included in the composition of anti-aging cosmetics, because it has such beneficial properties for the skin of the face as:

  • Alignment of microrelief and texture;
  • Reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • Increased turgor;
  • Acceleration of the micro-exfoliation process;
  • Stimulation of cell renewal.

One of the research works allowed us to fully assess the role assigned to retinol. Volunteers with pronounced facial wrinkles were invited to participate in it. The depth of wrinkles was recorded using digital images. What happened after 12 weeks during which the participants regularly applied retinol to their face:

  • The thickness of the epidermis has increased;
  • The formation of procollagen (collagen precursor) accelerated;
  • The depth of wrinkles has been significantly reduced.

Thus, retinol promotes skin rejuvenation at the cellular level. Its use is a worthy alternative to injection methods.
The benefits of regular use
HOME of Ester’s face foam is used for daily washing. The method of application is very simple:

  • We foam the product with our hands;
  • Apply to the face;
  • Lightly massage, trying to avoid contact with the eyes;
  • Rinse thoroughly with water.
HOME of Ester’s face washing foam is recommended for:

  • Acne and post-acne;
  • Comedones;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Dull complexion;
  • Puffiness;
  • Pigmented spots;
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

The effect of the application becomes noticeable in the first weeks. The skin tone gradually evens out, the inflammation disappears. Blackheads disappear, pores contraction. The face acquires a light, healthy shade. Blood microcirculation in tissues improves, which is extremely important for maintaining skin tone.
Due to its mild action, the foam can even be used to lighten the intimate area.
How to apply
Kojic acid

Kojic acid is a special compound produced by the fungi Aspergillus, Aerobacter and Penicillium. It suppresses the synthesis of melatonin, which causes the skin to darken. The substance shows excellent results against hyperpigmentation. During one of the scientific research, it turned out that kojic acid:

  • Reduces pigmentation in 75% of the subjects;
  • Reduces the contrast of pigment spots in 85% of subjects;
  • Increases the uniformity of skin color in 67% of subjects.

The compound is non-toxic and does not cause cell damage. This makes it a safe, natural skin bleach. Kojic acid can be used for pigment spots in long courses.
The solid format of the product is convenient for travelers who are not always ready to take liquid "washbasins" with them. There are no restrictions on the weight in hand luggage for him (the weight of the bar is only 100 grams, while it lasts for a long time due to its very economical consumption).
In the long term, the HOME of Ester cleanser helps prevent premature skin aging. It prevents the appearance of wrinkles, thinning and flabbiness. The foam is also effective against the already existing signs of aging.

It is worth mentioning the safety of use.

A cleanser with kojic acid:

  • Does not contain SLS and parabens;
  • Not tested on animals;
  • Suitable for vegans;
  • Does not contain chemicals.

The product is certified and fully complies with the established quality standards.

What is included in the

The composition of the soft foam for washing from HOME of Ester includes kojic acid, hyaluronic acid, collagen and retinol. These components provide gentle care for the health and youth of all skin types.